Step One… Done! Next….

Hello everyone!!!  It has been a while since I have written.  I have had quite a hard week (or two).  I am struggling to follow my new “healthy lifestyle” (I refuse to call it a diet).  It is sooooo easy to get discouraged!!  I also went to a friends going away party on Saturday.  She is an American and her husband is English and she went through the same process we are going through.  She gets to go home this month and I am jealous!
We did get good news today.  Chris and I filed his paperwork for the VISA a few weeks ago.  On the website it says that the wait time for that to be approved is over a month.  Chris and I were expecting that and were very surprised when, in the post today, we got the letter saying it was received on the 18th of Aug. and was approved on the 25th.  What a blessing! 
Our next steps are to fill out more paperwork and schedule a medical appointment in London (oh yeah, and to save up all the money needed). 
Chris and I are doing everything we can to save up the money.  We are selling bits and pieces we don’t “need” and trying to think of ways to save.  It is going to be a struggle but so worth it!
I try not to think about “when I get home” because I don’t want to work myself up about it.  I am having some strange feelings about leaving England.  I am going to miss it.  I keep thinking, “I need to do __________ because it is our last summer living here….” etc.  I want to try to see as much as I can before we leave. 
I guess at this point we go with the flow.  I can say that I cannot wait for the support of friends and family.  I do have a few select friends here in England but, cant wait to see everyone.  I guess I just have to keep that in my mind when I have bad weeks like this last one.
So does anyone out there have any amazing ideas on how to earn money???  Do tell…

One thought on “Step One… Done! Next….

  1. Are you kidding you got it back that quick? OMHeck!! I cant believe that. We really must talk now. I would like to know what it says and what all happens next. Man a live! Im so please for you and it has given me an incentive to hurry up and get it all sorted out!

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